Created in 2011 and based in Luxembourg, the non-profit North-South Cooperation (NSC) acts mainly on Education and Vocational Training, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa, with the hope of helping those in need. It’s crucial to educate and train to enable beneficiaries to become independent from external aid in the future.
In 2015 NSC was appointed by the Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a partner for Luxembourg’s cooperation with foreign countries, in 2016 it was appointed as a member of the Cercle de la Cooperation, the platform of Luxembourg’s non-profit organizations dedicated to international solidarity.
NSC’s Mission Statement is “Empowering Marginalized Communities”.
Among the founders of the NGO, we have Roberto Marta (Project Coordinator of NSC) and Michele Bernardi (Senior Vice President – Clearstream Banking and Treasurer of NSC).
Roberto had been cultivating a passion and interest in international cooperation for years, which had led him in 2011 to propose the idea of creating an association to a small group of friends. In 2019, at the age of 53, he succeeded in completing his dream: he gave up his job to devote himself entirely to running NSC.
Michele, a long-time colleague and friend, has not hesitated to support Roberto in this fantastic adventure. In their time, they have overseen projects in Kenya, on education and vocational training in the slums of Korogocho in Nairobi and promotion of human rights in Nairobi. They have helped women empowerment, hygiene services and maternal health in the Karamoja region in Uganda as well as helping refugee integration in Luxembourg. They have been joined over the years by numerous friends and associates who, always in full respect of the mission, continue to work on present and future projects.
Have a look at the North South Cooperation website for more info.
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