Have you ever thought about how much good food is thrown away every day? Have you ever thought about how many people don’t have the resources to eat one decent meal a day due to precarious living conditions?
You don’t have to look far. Just consider the city of London. Of the more than 8 million people in the UK who cannot secure a meal a day, 1.5 million are in London and 400,000 are children, even though London is one of the richest cities in the world.
Fortunately, there are organizations that collect and distribute as much food as possible to make it available to other organizations, which provide meals to those who cannot afford it.
City Harvest London is one of them, an Action-based organization looking for suppliers and collaborators to reduce the production of consumable food waste and recycle as much as possible. Their motto is very simple but effective: save the food, save the people, save the planet. You can do a lot by starting with little things. And we believe in it.
Have a look at the City Harvest London website for more info.
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