We look at our pets and they are for us everyday life companions, an affection, part of the family. Little do we think, concentrated to just live, to the worst animal abuse that happens every day in every corner of the world. Dog meat trade in Asia, fur trade, use of guinea pigs in the medical, pharmaceutical and biochemical industry to test new drugs, treatments or cosmetics, intensive farming in appalling conditions…. the list is endless.
We believe that people should be made aware and more informed. If this is done, change will come from public opinion itself. Inevitably. Few can knowingly tolerate what goes on behind the scenes and is mostly hidden from us.
It is good to protect those who are not able to protect themselves: many associations have always protected animals, both farmed and in the wild. We have chosen to support the project of Humane Society International, UK. This is an international association that deals with many problems related to the exploitation of animals with branches all over the world.
In the UK one of the most problematic aspects concerns the campaign to replace animal furs and clothes. Today there are many other alternatives on the market, and more and more fashion designers are approaching non-animal origin fabrics for their collections.
Another area in which HSI is working is the limitation of animal testing in pharmaceutical research and its complete elimination in cosmetics research.
Have a look at the video Fight for All Animals.
Have a look at the Humane Society International website for more info.
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